Monday, July 2, 2012

I am so angry at myself! Bah. I am not even sure how to explain why. Okay, so I've said in the past that I'm not the greatest communicator. Well, yeah, I'm working on that. But seriously, Its hard. Whenever I'm trying to talk and it doesn't turn out the exact way I want to, I get mad. Whenever I'm talking to someone and don't say what I wanted to say, I get mad. When I'm like that, I'm worried that people will be mad at me for being that way. Blargh. I just get so frusturated with myself!!! Maybe what I need to do is Lower my expectations and realize that I'm not going to have perfect conversations all the time and that It's just going to take time. That may be true, but it doesn't stop me from getting frusturated with myself all the time. I don't know really want to say, I'm really confused with how I feel right now and don't know what to say. I hate being confused! I hate not knowing things. I also sometimes...I don't know...don't feel wanted. I don't know. That doesn't sound right. I don't know, maybe it's because I feel like I need more encouragement. I don't know. I just really like encouragement. Because that's now I felt reading the comments on my last blog post. It was encouraging. So...I guess I just like it. This post... I don't know, I just talked about my frustration with my self and encouragement. Yeah... Goodnight.


  1. I know how you feel. Really, I do. Talking was really hard for me for a long time, and it still is sometimes now. It does take time, and it takes prayer. Confidence is a big part. If you don't believe that what you're going to say is going to go over well, it usually keeps you from saying it. Especially if people don't listen when you talk often. Trust me, been there! That still happens to me all the time. But someone told me that you should not let other people tell you who you are. Your worth is wrapped up in Christ...He thought enough of you to die for you, so you need to MAKE those people listen to you. Don't give up trying. And know that we, your fam, will always love you no matter what. :) OK that's enough sentimental junk. Get outta here, kid. :P

  2. I awarded you over at my blog!
    God bless!


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