Sunday, July 29, 2012


First I get upset or something, then I get mad that I got upset. It doesn't make any sense. Communication isn't one of my skills, and I'm sick of always getting upset with myself whenever I don't communicate well. Why? I don't know.

Whenever something happens in my failure to communicate, I get upset. Sometimes I'm around my friends when this happens. I don't like being upset whenever there here. So then I get upset that I got upset and apologize endlessly. I don't know. It's hard to explain. I'm not sure if I even understand it.

Why do I always blog about depressing things? Why can't I ever say something happy and encouraging? Maybe I'll try that. I don't know. Even though I communicate poorly, I still have very supportive family and friends that help and encourage me. (That sentence...just doesn't sound good. o_O) But I'm very thankful for them. Very. They're awesome.

I need to communicate better. I think I've established that over the past few blog posts. But I haven't presented a solution, have I? From what I've gathered, I just need to continue what I'm doing. Having conversations, and not getting upset when they don't go perfect, and praying about it.

I'm not even sure this blog post has made sense. Has it? It's just a rant of what I have inside my head and this is all I could think of to explain it.

Whatever. :P


1 comment:

  1. In answer to that fourth paragraph: Yes. That's your solution right there. :D


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