Saturday, May 26, 2012


I'm mad at so many things right now... I'm so frustrated... Im graduating in a year, and I'll probably lose several good friends afterwards. I'm also trying to communicate better but in doing so Its really hard being able to betaken seriously anymore...I'm also upset because I'm not going to see my friends for almost a month this summer. I also can't seem to find a good way to communicate anything at all...I don't know how to tell my friends in good way  that they're good friends... I don't know how to communicate of someone doesn't understand what I'm saying... I'm horrible at communication and it would probably be better of I just stopped talking...that way I won't be annoying to my friends anymore and I won't have to feel stupid anymore for having to repeat myself multiple times before people acknowledge me...I'm also upset becuase like I said, graduation is in a year and I have NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING after it. It's really frustration me. I feel awful because I feel like a terrible friend and all info is annoy people when I try to communicate better... Ive been praying about it, about everything, but life is just so frustrating right now. I suppose I need to focus more on god, but it's a hard thing to do. This post doesn't make any sense, I'm especially frustrated right now and I wrote this as a rant.

Ok, this part is a weeks later. I'm not upset any
Ore, but I'm still frustrated.  I cant seem to make anyone understand me... So much future stuff is going on. I wish I could stop time. I know I need to trust God, but it's hard. One year of school left, one year of this life...I'm afraid of the future...what's going to happen...I don't know...


1 comment:

  1. From what I've seen around the OYAN forum, you're pretty good with computers. Maybe you could get some sort of job in Computer Services or as an IT? Praying that it all works out for you. And as far as communication goes, I don't think anyone can honestly say they are superb at it =P



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