Saturday, April 21, 2012

This has. Been a weird day. Why? Because I spent all of it planning my future. I went and took a placement test at a college. After taking the test, I registered to take classes at the college.

Then, no sooner did I get home then I had to go with my mom to a bible study. After I got home from that, I got ready for a big meeting.

What was the meeting? I'm graduating with 3 other people, and the meeting was to talk about graduation. It isn't for another year, but plans should start brig made now.

I don't me planning for the future. Why? It's because the future is uncertain. I still have no clue what I want to do with my life. It's something that I think about a lot.

What will the future be like? I don't like thinking about it. I like knowing everything before hand, and not knowing makes me feel intimidated, which is why today was weird. I spent all of it planning for the future, planning for things that I don't really know.

I guess unjust need to trust God and know that he has a plan for me. It's hard to remember this.

You know what else? I'm terrible at giving direct answers. I'm terrible at face to face communication. I get frustrated when there's something I want to say, or tell someone someething, it can take awhile for me to think of how to say it. But by the time I think of it, the moment has passed and the words I say are either kept inside or ignored.

I don't know why I'm saying this, it's past midnight and I'm tired.


1 comment:

  1. You may not be the best at giving 'direct answers', but when you do have something to say Josh, it always has a point and means a lot!

    The future is weird.

    You're awesome.



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