Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You know what, I'm sitting here again typing this on my iPod. Ive made up my mind. This is how I'll write my future blog entries.

You know what else? I am too impatient. I don't know why, its how I've always been. I've never had much patience in my life. It's something I need to work on. It's something that isn't good. Im going through a lot of stuff in my life that I think is God trying to teach me patience. Maybe I should take notice of it.

You know what else? I am listening to "how he loves" by David crowder. Even though they didn't write the song, it's still a good song. One of my favorites. The story of how it was written is an interesting one.

Another paragraph. You know what else I've decided? My blog entries were never really long, just a paragraph about something. But maybe I should condense all those paragraphs into one post. Maybe I should have all my blog posts be longer but be posts without a central topic. In essence, a post with rambling. Yup. I can't ever find something to talk about for any length of time.

You know what else I'm terrible at? Putting my thoughts into words. Tonight my discipleship leader asked me why I believe in Christianity, and why it's so great. Well, I knew exactly what to say in my head. But, I had no idea how to actually speak it, so it took a while to think and talk it out. I don't know, I'm just not a talker. It's easier to type things out.

Well, here it is, almost eleven. I have science class tomorrow. I've hardly studied. But I study in a different way. I don't really have to spend hours studying something. I can memorize things fairly quickly. I also prefer studying alone. I don't need anyone to quiz me.

Yeah, that's the way I am. Anyway, it's getting late and I should get to bed. I'm tired, and I have a long day tomorrow, what with science classes in all.

Yet another ramble,


I didn't do so well on my quizzes today.

Maybe I should look into studying more.


  1. Keep writing. I enjoy hearing from your heart.

  2. lol nice.
    I agree, though. I really suck at talking, too. That's why writing rules! You have unlimited chances to rethink what you're trying to say, and there's always the opportunity to improve a thought.
    Oh, and btw I did the exams. 15 was easy, 16...well, I don't know how I did. The whole paramagnetic/ferromagnetic/diamagnetic thing was confusing to me because it seemed like she and the book said different things about them. So we'll see!


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