Sunday, March 18, 2012

This post should be in past tense.

Here I lay again. In bed, listening to music and typing away on my iPod. I like this. Maybe I should start making all my blog entries like this.

Oh, in my last post, I meant "previous" haha, autocorrect.

I didn't do much today. I went out to dinner and desert. It was a pretty cool evening. Oh, and we finally got another router. Now, I won't have connection problems in my room anymore. It was time to upgrade to a more powerful router.

I have good friends. The friends I have now are great friends. I'm glad I have them. Im also glad I get to stay in the state I'm living in. I now know what it's like to have really good friends, and what it's like to live in a place longer than 3 years. This year marks my fourth year in texas. I've never lived anywhere that long do it's a new experience. Yup. I'm thankful to be able to live here this long.

Right now i am listening to "Everything" by Lighthouse. It's a good song to listen to at night.

I need to go to bed. I have to get up at 6 because I'm helping out at church tomorrow. Even though this entry will probably be published sometime tomorrow, I'm typing it now. I don't know why. It sure was fun last night typing out an angry on my iPod. Maybe I should do this more often.

Goodnight to the four or so people reading this.


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