Saturday, March 17, 2012


For the few people that do read this, thank you. I've had a blog for four years or so. Ive gone through site upgrades, and migrating to a different site. Yup. But I've never really had a big reader base for my blog. Nope. Never really get comments or followed, but yet I still blog. I still write entries several times a month. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because it's the one way I can broadcast my thoughts to the world. I don't know. Most of my blog entries are short posts of complete ranting that makes no sense. That's what most of my blog entries are. And yet, for some reason, I still blog. I still feel compelled to write a new post now and then. Write now, I am in bed writing this on my iPod. Huh. Never done that before.

I think my favorite word is "Anyway", because I sure do use it a lot. Oh look. This post is turning into another rant. Gosh.

I'm even listening to music as I tap this. In fact, I didn't start listening to music until I my dad got a shuffle back in 2006 or so. Never got into music much. But when we had a shuffle and iTunes, things changed. I started listening to music more. And now, as I have my own iPod, I listen to music much more. Yeah. I used to have a classic, but I now have the iPod touch. It has so much more than just a music listening capability. I guess that's why I like it so much. It's a camera as well, so I like taking it everywhere. It's also a great boredom device. Ooh. "Requiem for a Dream" just came on.

What shall I rant about next? Nostalgia? I don't know. I never knew what nostalgia. But know I do and I feel it. I miss being young. I didn't have to think about doing physics or precalculus, or leaning how to drive, or thinking about a career path. Sure, I can do a whole lot more things now that I'm 16, and in have good friends that ice never had but I sometimes miss the relatively free carefree life. Real life is getting closer and closer.

Oh look. It's almost eleven. I was supposed to be in bed by then. But I am in bed. Man, I love autocorrect. Sure, it may mess up on occasion, but most of the time, it works great. It hides the fact that I'm laying here typing this out on a tiny, handheld device.

You know what I like? Apologetics. Yes, I know what it means to be a Christian, and how to be one, but I really like learning about why I even believe it. I enjoy reading the facts about it, and learning about it. I never really had any doubts about believing it, like some people have. Learning about what I believe is something like doing. Which is why I really like the worldview curriculum I'm doing.

Oh my. Yet another paragraph not anyway related to the precious one. Why? I guess because I can't talk about one thing for many paragraphs. I guess it's because I'm not a descriptive. Straight and to the point. Yup. That's me. Wait. Why did I even have the idea of writing a blog post, laying in bed, on my iPod? Maybe because I leave the "new post"' tab opened and never do anything. This is an attempt at a blog post.

This has been a strange experiment. I've laid here for 20 some minutes talking about anything from music, to autocorrect, to nostalgia. An attempt at an actual blog post. I wonder if it was any good. Not a deep post, that's for sure. My blog posts never have any depth. Maybe I should work on that. I should.

Anyway, (there it is again!) for the few that read this, thank you. Im glad someone cares enough to go through a crazy post with multiple subjects.
Goodnight all.


By the way, since I DID write this on my iPod, please excuse any obviously autocorrected words.


  1. like "yet another paragraph not anyway related to the precious one"? I think I get the jist. Blogging is primarily for conveying your opinion on things. Whatever your opinion is, your post cannot be bad. That's what people like to read about.

  2. Autocorrect makes life interesting... XD

  3. You should post more often. I think your opinion laden rants are enlightening.


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