Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2000 years later and after all social activism and rights movements and we still haven't caught up to how Jesus treated people.
No one changed history like Jesus did.
No one influenced history like Jesus did.
Years after his time on earth, and his influence is still strong.
Unlike other religions with have a geographical or ethnic center, Christianity doesn't. The geographic center of Christianity has changed multiple times over the years, and it transcends race, gender, and continents.
Unlike other religions which only offer advice and maybe a chance at making some God happy, Christianity gives us news, and that's that God loved us so much he sent his own son to earth to save us.
Christianity is nothing like other religions when you truly understand it. When you only look at the gospel, and not the legalism Culture has tried to make out of it, Christianity is radically different than everything else out there.
Christianity has stayed relevant throughout the years. The gospel and bible we use and study and apply to our lives today is the exact same gospel they had thousands of years ago.
All the hospitals, movements, libraries, schools, that were a direct cause by His followers.
Unlike other movements which died down after their leader died, His didn't. Because he came back. And because He's Jesus.
Jesus was the exact opposite of what everyone thought he would be.
Other kings were born, died, and were forgotten. Not this one.
Jesus loved and pursued and hunted the broken, and he loved them more than anyone ever did.
I mean, when I look over all this, it's almost as if he was God.
The more I read about him, the more I realize how true this is.
The gospel is at home in every culture and is at odds in every culture. Everyone is broken and in need of grace, and I fail daily, but because of Him, I also grow daily in my knowledge and understanding.
I think that to truly understand the gospel, you have to stop trying to put God in a box and let God be God.
God loves people, he kills people, and he pursues and hunts them. God is love, but God is also Just, which is why Jesus came. Jesus took on all our sin, he who knew no sin became sin, for me.
I mean, sure, you wonder why God couldn't just forgive everyone, but I want to say, why couldn't a judge just pardon everyone?
As the severity of the crime increases, my understanding grows. Sin is going to something else than God to satisfy us, and it is defying and saying "screw you, I do what I want" to the creator of the universe.
It's just...the whole gospel, the whole bible, is so beautiful because it meets us right where we are and leads us to a new life, we are born again.
Over the years, I've come to grow more in my understanding of the gospel, and as each year passes, I gain a new and deeper understanding.
I don't know why I'm posting this. Maybe because I've had this in my mind for a long time.
I just have been captivated by this love, and I want it to consume my life and dictate how I live, but right now at this point I'm stuck because I don't know how. Will I stay at my current job? Move somewhere else? Get a job in my major? I don't know. All I know is that I believe that whatever it is I end up doing in life, God wants me to do it for his glory, and that's what I hope to do.

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