Tuesday, July 24, 2012

English 1301

I learned a lesson today. What is that lesson? Never take an English class online. Why? Because I'm terrible at English. I'm horrid at it. Half the stuff I'm doing is extremely difficult for me. My mind just doesn't work the way its supposed to.

When I'm asked to summarize  or paraphrase, I almost always use the exact same words as the passage. Why? Because I memorize things very well, and when asked to condense things, I tend to still use the same wording as the passage. My mind just works this way. It's a habit. I'm also supposed to critique an essay. I can't do that. It's extremely difficult .

I haven't been doing much else, other than listening to nostalgic music and realizing that I'm almost 17 and that in a few years I'll probably be out on my own. So yeah, it's a scary thought.

I'm not sure what else to say, other than this english class has been very difficult and it's been making me very stressed and depressed.

Well, I think that's all I have to say for now, I can't think of anything else.


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